蘑菇文> 高中英语作文> Ask the way

Ask the way 600字高中英语作文

时间: 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today is Sunday.It's my friend's birthday.So we are agree on go to the Ren Ming's park.But I don't know that way.so,I decide to ask the way.

  In the street.A man walks by me, "excuse me, uncle, please tell me how to get to the people's park how to go?""Oh, sorry, I am not very clear.There is a policeman, you go ask him.""Thank you!"You're welcome.

  "Uncle," asked the policeman, "excuse me, how to go to the people's Park?""Turn right at the corner, go straight to the mall, people in the shopping mall opposite the park."

  "Thank you, uncle.""You're welcome."

  I give to him a smile.

Ask the way

Li Hong's vacation

  Li Hong with her parent are goin to go to Beijing next week.

  The weather will be sunny and hot.What are they going to do? Theyare going to visit the Great Wall,visit their friends and relatives,go shopping and eat some good food.

  hey are going to go by plane get to Beijing and stay in a hotel.

  They think they will have a good time.


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