蘑菇文> 高中英语作文> 关于合作的作文英语

关于合作的作文英语 600字高中英语作文

时间: 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  From the film “Air Buddy” , I begin to understand what cooperate stands for from the bottom of my heart。 I always think I can do everything well by myself befor that , but now I maybe I believe that cooperate will create miracles。

  The summary of the film is that five puppies learned about cooperation and accepeted new master and asmophere hat is their homes by rescuing their parents。 In the course of the rescuring, I will never forget the moved the five puppies brouht me 。However, nowadays we all human beings cannot but admit that cooperation is important。

  No matter how fast our society develop, I’m greatly convinced that only in this way, we can make greater contributions to our society。 After all, it is cooperation that makes our human beings from different country become more closed。 Of course I’m sure cooperation is benefited for peace in a way。


关于和平的英语作文:Human war is endless

  Human war is endless, the Chinese along with the smoke of war, also came up。 While we love peace, war can and can not stop coming 。。。 。。。

  Cloud shortage of land, deserted, this is the ancient battlefield。 Looking back at ancient years, after much hurried retreat, we - the long history of survivors。 Here was a prosperous city, but that war is inevitable, in order to seek an interest in the rulers, at launching a campaign to mobilize millions of soldiers and war。 With the advent of the war, the people's homes were destroyed, the people's money can not be guaranteed, people's lives have been mercilessly deprived of 。。。 。。。 wives and children, family members dead。

  Old saying: Kill a thousand, loss of soldiers 800。 Can be a knowing, behind victory in the war, both sides paid a heavy price, this price is that the living and countless, bloody naked life ah!

  War! You drown in the dark outline。 War! Ism in the end you are what confuse pale。 Peach out to see what results, people look more desolate than the moon light。

  Peace, thousands of years, see through your lost soul, could not guess 。。。 。。。


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