蘑菇文> 小学英语作文> 三年级英语作文

三年级英语作文 400字小学英语作文

时间: 栏目:小学英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  三年级英语作文 篇1 我在英语学校换过好几位老师,而令我印象最为深刻的还是王欣老师。





  三年级英语作文 篇2 everyone needs friendship. no one can sail the ocean of life single handed.

  we need help from, and also give help to, others. in the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. a man of charisma has many friends. his power lies in his ability to give.

  the term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. it can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.

  as life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. our frinods give us warnings against danger. true friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.

  with friendship, life is happy and harmonious. without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. i have friends in the rank and file. some are rich and in power. some are low and common. some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. to many of my friends, i know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, i will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. i will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.

  三年级英语作文 篇3 Today is Sunday.I get up early.Because I play sports.I wear my T-shirt and my skirt.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Lucy.We are happy.After that,we eat breakfast .I like drinking milk but she likes drinking juice.At 10:00,I play the piano.Then I eat lunch at 2:30. I will go to school to study English. After that,I will go home and eat dinner.Then I will go to bed.

  This is my day. Do you like it?




  三年级英语作文 篇4 Mary: I’m now in the sea. I can’t believe it! It’s so beautiful! What a colorful fish! It’s so lovely! Little fish, don’t go away! Oh, here comes a blue whale. Wow, it’s so big! It’s bigger than my classroom. Oh no! There is a shark! Help! Help!

  Helen: What’s the matter, Mary?

  Mary: I saw a shark. Its teeth are so big!

  Helen: Oh, it must be a dream.

  Mary: …Yes, it’s a dream.

  三年级英语作文 篇5 hi! good friends. my name is susie. i’m ten years old. this is my pet. it’s a turtle. he is also ten years old. his name is sandwich. he eats ten small fishes every day .

  look at him! he has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. he also has a long tail.

  now my turtle wants to have a little sister. they can play, sleep and walk together. now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” my friends,please call me. my telephone number is one two three four five.

  三年级英语作文 篇6 Before I always don't like reading, every time my mother told me to read a book I was perfunctory, the teacher told me to read that is compelling.clients, classmate called me to read more goofing off. But this summer vacation I began to like reading books.

  This summer vacation I "honor" was chosen by the teacher when the librarian, I also only crustily skin of head to the charge. Come to the library, wow! A lot of reading, good beautiful, turn east west turn here, everyone's in reading, I also embarrassed, and then take a book and sat on the chair, reading really comfortable here, the mother had to patrol, during that time no one came to, I'll have to take a "gulliver's travels" window-dressing, mom a look said happily: "the son is really lovely," I thought: is not give you a poser. Looking at all of a sudden I think book content, wonderful, really eye-catching, I look down, more wonderful, the first time I feel book so good-looking, watch, fascinated. Even better is one day the students are talking about gulliver's travels some people be at a loss, and I reel, everybody to envy eyes, really let a person want to say this words "reading enriches the mind.

  Great man said, "the book is the ladder of human progress" today, I will set foot on the ladder, in which I harvest joy, I can open it more walk more far, more walk more high.








  英语我的爸爸作文 篇1 My father is a teacher and he is working in Korea. I love my father. He can speak English and Korean. He loves me a lot too. I like to travel with my father. He knows a lot on history and culture. I like fishing with my father. It is very interesting and fun.

  My father is very busy and he has a lot of work to do. I miss him very much. I love to make friend with my beloved father.

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇2 Mom often said that Dad was a nerd. I see my father is also like a nerd, but it should be called "big book fans" fishes.

  Dad every time to go to work, sitting on the bus, have to take a book, if there is a seat, he sat down, he immediately took out a book to see. Once, because the book is too fascinated, the car opened 2 points, only to think of the get off, the results had to take the return of 2 cars, and then to the company to work, to the company said to colleagues, colleagues Said: "You are a 'book fans' ah!" Every day after lunch, as long as there is a free, he immediately took out the book to see.

  Another time, my father, the "book fans" also made a big joke, that day, my father came back from work, eat dinner, and got into his study, won his book, look ah look. Suddenly, the study of the cabinet on the table clock "Dangdang" even knock on the next seven, my father took the bag, hurry out from the study. Mom asked puzzled: "Where are you going?" Dad said: "seven o'clock, go to work, do not go late!" I listened to the side of the secret smile. Mom opened the curtain and said, "You look outside." "It was seven o'clock at night." Dad scratched his head. Mom said: "You are a big book fans, twilight down friends." Dad heard their own laugh.

  Dad likes to read books, has been accustomed to. But my mother is also often to my father said: "My glasses have to deepen the degree, do not read it again." My father? He just smiled, for a while put the mother's words thrown into the clouds. Every night, he must see the night to sleep.

  Dad is a "big book fans" ah! I want to learn from him, to be a "little book fans."

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇3 Today, let me talk about my dad!

  My father is tall, fat, round and round, and more drums and tummy. I like to lie on my father's belly. With his breath, my belly drums up and down. I lie on it as if sitting on the jump bed. In winter, no matter the weather and the cold, as long as my father holds me, I can feel the warm temperature of my father, just like there's a one. The stove around me, good comfortable ah!

  My father likes computer very much, is the "computer king" in the unit, no matter whose home computer appears problem, as long as dad is a horse, no can't solve it, dad taught me to learn computer when I was very young, I learned to type, surf the Internet, chat QQ, play games, etc.

  My father doesn't love sports, so fat. My father snores when he goes to bed. He snore over the room and across the wall and into my ears, just like a bomber running bombs. At this time, I covered my ears with my hands, and I kept complaining in my heart: This voice is awful.

  Though Dad has many shortcomings, I still like my fat dad.

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇4 四方脸,浓浓的眉毛下面有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。手指粗而短,粗看好像比别人少一节似的。这就是我的爸爸,我的爸爸是一个爱动脑筋的人。

  A square face, a pair of bright eyes under thick eyebrows. Fingers thick and short, rough look as if less than others. This is my father, my father is a brain.


  On one occasion, the superior came to inspect the work in his father's factory. It happened that something like a pipe on a part was broken and that there was no place to buy it at the moment. What should I do? The people in the factory were as anxious as ants in the hot pan, and dad was no exception. Suddenly, Dad had a brainwave and said to himself, "yes."!" He gave his opinion to the leader, and the leader agreed, so he started the experiment. It turned out that he wanted to cool the thermometer and then bend it into the broken part. Done once, again, again, three times in succession, without success. For the last time, he was more careful and careful, and finally succeeded.


  Although my father's appearance is not outstanding, but I like him, because he likes to use his head.

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇5 My father don't like the other fathers,he is like a kid.For instance,he always likes to play computer games,but there is only one computer on my home,so we often agure with each other for this.

  My faher's job is very hard and tired.Although he gets home is very late,he always remembers to buy me some cookies to eat.

  I love my father deeply in my heart forever!

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇6 My mother always complains about my father. She said he was lazy and spent less time to stay with me. Actually, in my eyes, my father is a qualified father. Though he is busy all the time, he never misses my activities at school. He knows that if he doesn’t attend, I will be laughed by other students. So he cares about me a lot. On the weekend, we watch the basketball match together and share our opinions. Though my mother sometimes complains, she doesn’t mean it seriously, because she knows my father plays a good role in the family. I am so happy that I have a happy family and it worths all.

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇7 我的爸爸今年38岁,高高的个子,四方脸,眼睛不大,但是看上很有神,他穿着很整洁。看上去很精神也很帅,可他的.心灵更美。他是个医生,他对工作非常热心,一天忙到晚从不叫苦叫累。

  My father is 38 years old, tall, square face, small eyes, but very God, he dressed very neatly. He looks very smart and handsome, but his heart is more beautiful. He is a doctor, he is very enthusiastic about work, a day to night and never complaining called tired.


  Once, my uncle from the same floor came home from work for dinner, but I couldn't even see my father's shadow. My mother's cooking was already cold. I'll just go and see him in his office. No one knew I came next to him, nor did he find out. Oh, the original father is looked intently at the data in the computer, my dad told me, these are the inspection data of the patient, if not timely analysis, treatment and operation, will affect the patient I heard, immediately to the father to worship in their eyes.


  My father loves working in the unit and goes back to his home and often helps his mother do housework and tutor me to study. Dad has a warm heart, too. One day, we are a family of three from the street back, cloudy, rain began to fall, my mother and I immediately on the floor, but my father has gone upstairs, my mother and I looked out of the window from small to big rain, anxiously grilled window downstairs to see Dad downstairs to help grandma received Liangshai beans...


  Dad is really a good example to me. I love my father.

  英语我的爸爸作文 篇8 My father and I have many similarities, there are many differences.

  First to "appreciate" dad and I in the same place! My father and I are a pair of small and the eyes, more distinctive is we all have a tall and straight nose, also has a slightly tilted mouth. Once, my father and I walk together, the opposite, a neighbor, he almost like Columbus discovered the new world: "father and son looks really like you, eyes, nose, mouth... even walk, really like from a mold carved out!" Dad listened to, and smiling to answer: "be? I haven't notice?"


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