蘑菇文> 初中英语作文> 初中英语作文--Whatshallwedofi

初中英语作文--Whatshallwedofi 600字初中英语作文

时间: 栏目:初中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  What shall we do first

  Now most of us are the only children in our families. Our parents love us very much and they try their best to do everything for us, but some of us become selfish. As students, I think first we should respect our parents and teachers and get on well with our classmates. We should also help people when they are in trouble and think more of others. I think it’s very important to communicate with others. Finally, I hope we have a good relationship with everyone around us.


小学英语作文:Yummy fruit

  Yummy fruit

  I like to eat fruit and almost all the fruits are tasty and good for your body.

  I love hami melons they're sweeter than candy and they smell really good.

  My mammy and daddy like to eat sour fruits.


  I like to eat fruit because almost all fruits are tasty and good for your body.I like sweet fruits better than sour fruits.My favourite fruit is hami melon I think it is the sweetest fruit in the world.

  I love hami melons.They're sweeter than candy and they smell really good.I hate lemons because no fruit in the world is sourer than it.Sometimes I like to eat some grapes,too.But be carefull,sometimes they can be as sweet as hami melons and sometimes they can be as sour as lemons.

  My mammy and daddy like to eat sour fruits and my little brother likes to eat sweet fruits just like me.Fruit is the most delicious thing in the world.Fruit,I love you.

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